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Puzzle Warehouse

Best Of Buffalo Games Puzzles

Now through Sept 15th, Puzzle Warehouse has a buy-2-get-1-free promo on Buffalo Games puzzles. Time to stock up! In honor of the sale, I thought I’d share my favorite Buffalo Games puzzles. This list is entirely subjective! To see all the Buffalo Games puzzles at Puzzle Warehouse, click on the banner below.

Charles Wysocki Favorites

Those who follow my blog know I have reviewed many Charles Wysocki puzzles (you can see my reviews here). Picking just a few is tough, but here are my favorites currently on sale.

“Olde Buck’s County”, (1000 pieces)

This has been out a while, but it’s probably my all-time favorite Wysocki. I just love the stone houses and fall theme.   (Click on the images below to see the puzzle on Puzzle Warehouse.)

“Moonlight and Roses”, (1000 pieces)

This is one of the newest Wysocki’s and it’s just gorgeous.

“Labor Day in Bungalowville”, (1000 pieces)

A modern setting is unusual for a Wysocki and I love all the detail on the houses.

“Trick or Treat Hotel”, (500 pieces)

I love this Halloween-themed puzzle! And it’s good for those who like a smaller piece count. See my review here.

“A Peach of a Day”, (300 pieces)

I love the unusual close-up / still life aspect of this image. Ideal for those looking for a smaller piece count.


Josephine Wall Favorites

I was happy to see Buffalo pick up fantasy artist Josephine Wall. Her images have been available as puzzles before, but not in the US recently, and Buffalo is getting a solid line of them.

“Nature Boy”, (1000 pieces)

Such a lovely and gentle image.

“The Three Graces”, (1000 pieces)

Bright and defined color areas make this one fun to assemble. See my review here.

“Spirit of Flight”, (100 pieces)

Just gorgeous blending and swirls of color.

Aimee Stewart Favorites

Fantasy puzzle artist Aimee Steward is a favorite of mine for her highly-detailed and colorful images.

“Life is an Open Book: Paris” and “London”, (1000 pieces)

These are new for this year and they’re brilliant. See my review of “Paris” here.


“Vintage Fishing” (500 pieces)

A fun collage puzzle for those who prefer 500 pieces.

“Family Vacation” (2000 pieces)

And for those who like a 2000 piece challenge, this one looks intense!

Steve Read Favorites

“Puzzler’s Desk”, by Steve Read (750 pieces)

I love the colors and detail on this.

“Picture Perfect”, (750 pieces)

“Grandpa’s Potting Shed”, by Steve Read (2000 pieces)

This is a fantastic 2000 piece puzzle! It made my “best of” list last year. See my review here.

Chuck Pinson Favorites

I just recently did my first Chuck Pinson puzzle, and I’m sold. I love these soft painted scenes.

“Island Life”, (1000 pieces)

Loved the colors in this one. See my review here.

“Inspirations of Spring”, (1000 pieces)

“Call of the Wild”, (1000 pieces)

This is a terrific fall puzzle.


Star Wars Favorites

Buffalo Games carries a lot of Star Wars puzzles. These are my top picks. You can see them all here. 

“The Force is Strong With This One”, (2000 pieces)

This looks like a real challenge in 2000 pieces with some dark sky areas. But what a beauty when done!

“Rebellions Are Built On Hope”, (2000 pieces)

Another 2000 piece challenge. Looks awesome!

“You’ll Find I’m Full Of Surprises”, (1000 pieces)

Brilliant colors and a touch of romance.

“Classic Comic Books”, (1000 pieces)

A fun collage with a vintage feel. I love all the fonts and titles.

“Feel The Force”, (1000 pieces)

Lovely colors. I’ll be reviewing this puzzle next week.

2000 Piece Challenges

I love a big challenge now and then, and Buffalo Games is one of the few US manufacturers to make larger, 2000 piece puzzles. Here are a few I can recommend!

“Vintage America”, (2000 pieces)

If you like collages, this is a classic.

“Harbor Master”, (2000 pieces)

Bright colors and lots of details in this one. See my review here.

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