Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse


For those of you who, like me, love illustrated puzzles, it’s time to celebrate because May 5th is National Cartoonists Day! On this day in 1895 readers of the New York World opened their paper to discover a colorful new feature in their paper - the first comic strip, Hogan’s Alley (which became The Yellow Kid) created by Richard Outcault. When I was young, I’d arm-wrestle my sister for first go at the Sunday funnies, would plonk down in front of the TV set for hours watching cartoons, and now that I’m grown, my shelves are groaning with cartoon puzzles. I guess I’m still a big kid at heart!...CONTINUE READING

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Today is the day Star Wars fans wait for all year long…and it's finally here! May the 4th be with you. The day where we can nerd out and wave our Rebellion or Empire flags. Are you on the light side or dark side? Are you into the original Star Wars or the newer ones? Are you a fan of the Disney+  Mandalorian or Boba Fett series? Do you still call him Baby Yoda? Or are you a rule follower and call him by his name - Grogu? When it comes to Star Wars, there are no rules. Just passion and extreme fandom!...CONTINUE READING

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I’m not quite sure why, but mushroom and bumblebee imagery gets me every time! I admit I have plenty of home decor of both, and of course I gravitate toward puzzles of these themes as well. I really can’t explain it (I don’t even like to eat mushrooms!), but perhaps it’s best to embrace it and just share my recent puzzling mushroom adventure!...CONTINUE READING

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It’s National Superhero Day and I cannot begin to explain to you what a big deal that is in my household! As a boy mom, superheroes are a big thing around here. Lucky for my boys, I grew up LOVING superheroes like He-Man, Spider-Man, Superman, Transformers… but my truest love was Batman. My mind was blown when I watched the first Batman movie in the 80’s with Michael Keaton and Jack Nicholson. On the spot I became a die-hard Batman fan, and it lives strong in me today. I have to say though, we have to collectively forget that George Clooney was Batman, ok? Ok! Let’s carry on then...CONTINUE READING

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Hello there! I’ve been acquiring quite a few puzzles to prepare for the USA JPA Nationals, so I’ve been spending extra time on the Warehouse website. I’m noticing several puzzles that take an organic subject matter and present it in a geometric way. Just follow me down this hexagonal rabbit hole for a moment, since this appeals to my general desire to create order out of chaos, and from the perspective of a puzzler, it’s more than a bit meta. These puzzles take a subject matter that is natural, wild, and free, and constrain it to a rigid, human-made aesthetic. Or for those of you who grew up in the 80s: some puzzles put Baby in a corner...CONTINUE READING

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Heritage Day

The United States has been celebrating National Picnic Day on April 23rd since 1930. Did you know that picnicking and puzzling have something in common? Both can be beneficial to mental health and reduce stress. So I thought I’d spread out my checkered tablecloth under my puzzle board and combine the two to see what puzzling picnic images would do for my well-being...CONTINUE READING

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Earth Day

Since 1970, April 22 has been recognized around the world as “Earth Day.”  The day was established to bring awareness to the state of our planet because, as environmental awareness increased, people realized things were looking pretty grim for Mother Earth. At the time, cars were using leaded gas, unregulated manufacturing plants were filling the air, waterways, and ground with pollutants and carcinogens, and air quality was bad enough that in September, in Southern California, I could barely see the mountains right behind my house. It was obvious that the planet, and its people, needed change...CONTINUE READING

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Heritage Day

When I saw that April 18th is the International Day for Monuments and Sites (also known as World Heritage Day) I thought it was a great topic for this month’s puzzle blog. There is such a huge variety of puzzles featuring famous sites from around the world in a such a variety of styles, I figured there were plenty of choices for my fellow dissectologists, no matter what your taste!...CONTINUE READING

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As the weather continues to warm up here in the Northeast, my puzzling has ironically been ramping up. I talked about this a bit in my last blog post. Usually, the winter months are a boon for my puzzling, but not this year. Happily, the puzzles I’ve been doing for this blog have been helping me get out of my winter puzzling doldrums and getting me closer closer toward fulfilling the old adage that a puzzle a day keeps the doc away...CONTINUE READING

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