Puzzle Warehouse
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Puzzle Warehouse

Brand Comparison Overview

Welcome to our brand comparison page! You can view photos and in-depth information on a brand below. You can shop all the brands on this page including more at Puzzle Warehouse. If you want to see a comparison on a certain brand that isn't listed, comment at the bottom of the page. 

Comments - Add Comment 4.6 Stars 5
5 Stars
Olav Karlsen - Bergen, Norway

Need Castorland review, please.

5 Stars
Ruth - Australia

Thanks for the information about the different brands, very helpful. A review of Otter House puzzles would be great.

5 Stars
Wendy - Atlanta, GA USA

The list is great, thanks! Other brands that can be included are Americanflat, Art & Fable, Better Co, Bits and Pieces, Cavallini & Co, Cloudberries, Elena Essex, Good Puzzle Co, Hinkler, Ingooood, Magic Puzzle Co, Pintoo, and WerkShoppe.

3 Stars
Matthew - Alberta, Canada

I love this! But could you please fill in the rest of the sections, because some of them are not filled in at all. Other than that it is a great idea and great resource to use. But would be better if it was complete! ;)

5 Stars
Tini - Netherlands

I'm missing a review of Enjoy

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